Learn To Fly (Cover)
It's been a while since I made a song/video! I've been so busy producing other artists, I forgot to play and sing! So, I tried out this new Signal Art Electronics U48 on my guitar, vocals, tambourine, shaker... even COWBELL! Yay Foo Fighters!
For the studio nerds, see below:
Signal Chain:
Tambourine, Shaker, Cowbell - Signal Art Electronics U48, Neve Genesys, Anamod 660, HRK 552 (tape emulator)
Bass - Sebatron VMPquad, Tegeler Vocal Leveler, HRK 552 (split signal and used softube bass amp room plugin on second channel)
Acoustic Guitar - SAE U48 and Wunder CM7gs, Neve Genesys, HRK 552
All Vocals - SAE U48, Neve Genesys, Anamod 660, HRK 552
Mixed through the Genesys to multiple busses Brauerize style (Bass and percussion to distressors, guitar to TKomp, Lead vocals to Tegeler Vocal Leveler), reverb and backing vocals to Tegeler Schwerkraftmaschine. Master bus was WesAudio NGbuscomp, printed through Neve via Crane Song Interstellar converter. Mastered in the box with Vari-Mu, Curve Bender, Fabfilter L2.